Feature Sires at our 2024 Autumn Bull Sale
Monday 29 January 2024
The 2024 Alpine Angus Autumn Bull Sale is to be held at the Alpine Sales Complex at Rosewhite on Wednesday 13 March at 1pm offering 100 HBR and APR Angus Bulls. The Sale Bulls will be yarded for inspection by 10am on Sale Day.
Banquet Quarter Pounder Q252 - one of the feature Sires in the 2024 Alpine Angus Autumn Bull Sale
Maternal power delivers bull power
Alpine Principal Jim Delany, ‘Over the last few years, the Beef Industry enjoyed record market conditions. It has been wonderful to see how well so many clients have presented calves they have bred with Alpine bulls, the success they have achieved and the demand they help create for Alpine genetics. Our thanks to them for their great support. In recent times markets it has been refreshing to see the rebound of the market on the back of the Spring and Summer rains that were never meant to be! With record US cattle prices, hopefully this trend can continue. Just as we share the good times with our clients, we also share the more trying ones. We would also like to acknowledge the faith Angus purebred breeders and AI companies have shown in the uptake of our genetics and hope they will continue to deliver the desired result. Our job is to make sure that whatever the market is doing, our bulls will position our clients at the top of that market with their progeny and promote structural integrity in their herds.’
Alpine source sires from both the USA and Australia. Alpine Manager Chris Oswin, ‘The aim of our breeding program is to maintain a highly maternal and functional herd of Angus cows. We seek long fronted, feminine, sound, easy-calving cows with good udder-quality that are true-to-type and have a great temperament and structural integrity.’
The March 2024 sale includes a line of Calving Ease bulls by Karoo Main Event and Alpine Pablos Pulse. Both are proven consistent producers of high quality bulls with Main Event siring Alpine’s 2021 top priced Spring Bull, Alpine Rip Wheeler R144 whose semen is marketed by Genetics Australia alongside another Main Event son in Alpine Main Event Q192.
There is also a run of higher IMF carcase bulls, with depth and constitution including sons of Murdeduke Quarterback and Alpine Junior M205. Chris Oswin, ‘Quarterback sons have sold well across the country and were well appreciated at our last Autumn sale with a long bodied son topping it.’
Alpine Angus will also be offering a set of stout, thick bodied sons of USA Sires Sitz Stellar, Heiken Broadview and Baldridge SR Goalkeeper combining moderate Birth with explosive Growth. These three American sires were targeted for their ability to transmit easy calving, big growth rates and dense, deep bodied progeny.
A bigger framed run of Banquet Quarter Pounder sons, with plenty of length and ideal weaner producers will round out the sale offering. Chris Oswin, ‘Quarter Pounder topped Banquets sale a couple of years ago where he impressed with his overall body mass and type. These are our first calves by him.’
How to view the Sale Bulls prior to Sale Day
There are two options – firstly the Sale Preview to be held at the Alpine Sales Complex, Rosewhite on Sunday 3 March from 11am to 3pm – or alternatively by appointment with Alpine Manager Chris Oswin, mobile 0427 562 254.