Spring 2016 Bull Sale – Sires
LCC New Standard
Inspected by Welcome Swallow at ABS in the USA in 2012 at 10 YO. Selected for his great longevity, thickness, capacity and great structural soundness.
Rock solid proven heifer bull – trait leader for low Birth Weight – with good growth and carcase. Progeny display Sire’s great type, shape and thickness. Females have also have lots of milk, good feet and legs, and good longevity.
Top 5% for the Domestic & Top 10 % for the Heavy Grass Indexes.

KM Broken Bow 002
Powerful complete son with less birth weight and great calving ease potential than his sire. Moderate, heavy muscled and attractive with superior structure, a favourite of each tour group.
EBV trait leader, (top 5% with 80% accuracy) for Calving Ease, low Birth Weight & 200 Day Weight. His maternal pedigree maintains excellent mating exibility to use BROKEN BOW on Objective, Equator, Predestined and Future Direction in uenced females. Australian progeny reports praise the CE, style and thickness producing both excellent sons & daughters.

Carabar Docklands D62
Over 2500 recorded progeny makes Docklands a very high accuracy high performance Bull. Trait leader for six traits – Calving Ease DIR, Gestation Length, 600 Day Weight, Milk and Scrotal. Also high ranking 400 Day Growth and Fat EBV’s.
Phenotype display great structural soundness, capacity and butt shape. From highly successful Booroomooka Tracey cow family. Daughters very maternal whilst sons have topped bull sales throughout the country.